2015年1月2日 星期五

光學 (Optics)

1.           C.R.Ou+, G.S.Ho, J.C.Yoo and W.Shen, (2001), Numerical Simulation of Nematic Liquid Crystal by Finite Difference Method , SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, pp.846-pp.849, San Jose, USA@

In spite of the fact that many simulation programs have already been commercialized, this research provides a reliable methodology for the simulation of the director field of liquid crystal.  The present method is easier to be applied than previous reports [1,2], especially in various asymmetric pretilt orientations and twists angles.  Through this technique, author developing a series of spreadsheets.  Present work is robust and easy to be extended to dynamics and two/three dimensional simulations. Grid test indicate that for small discrete numbers the numerical errors will become a major concerns near the rubbing surface. 

1.           C.R.Ou+, W.T.Lee, S.C.Chung, C.C.Lin and L.C.Lin, (2001),  Thermal Optical Simulations on ColorQuad for Image Quality , SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, pp.922-925, San Jose, USA

Various types of thermal effects might occur in optical system. In this article we presents a methodology on the analysis of the thermal effects in the ColorQuad(R) for the image quality.  ColorQuad is one of the most promising optical components in the LCoS projection display system.  In order to study the image quality, ITRI/OES is now developing a study methodology that combines different kinds of commercial software (ASAP, FlowTherm and ANSYS).  The ability to simulate the multi-physics phenomena is important to the analysis of the image quality for various optical components.  This simulation indicates that the cooling system will cause depolarization of the light in the first PBS, which will degrade the contrast ratio of the system.

1.           歐崇仁+(2005),『雜散光分析與系統優化算則』,OPTO 2005台灣光電科技研討會,12月,成功大學,台南

光學影像品質與相關元件 (Display Components)

1.       C.R.Ou+and W.J.Yang, (2002), Simulation and Optimization of OLED Device, Proceeding of International Display Workshop OELP15, pp.1199-1202, Hiroshima, Japan

The purpose of this article is to build a research methodology for the OLED Device.  The drift diffusion model simulates the electron transport phenomena, ASAP for the emitting simulation and the ANSYS for the modeling of the OLED device structures.  The overall characteristic of the OLED device can be examined through this research.

2015年1月1日 星期四



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